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Image or Video Object Tracking Using SURF (Speeded Up Robust Features) On Visual Basic.Net 2012

Hi All Student in the world, :) In the month of Ramadan in 2013, we would like to share knowledge about how to perform object tracking from video or from the image. We use some of the tools used to make it easier to read the image file, as well as access to a webcam, are as follows this library and compiler ; 1. Emgu (libemgucv-windows-universal-gpu- and Visual Studio VB.Net 2012. Especially thanks to : :)

  • Youtube user with id name “18F4550videos” at (OpenCV Tutorial 11: Object Detection and Tracking via SURF (Speeded Up Robust Features) in Emgu CV).
  • Paper Reference :

Interface Project Image-Video Object Tracking Using SURF :

Interface Project Image-Video Object Tracking Using SURF

Interface Project Image-Video Object Tracking Using SURF

This few steps that must be done is as follows run the code :

  1. Install the “libemgucv-windows-universal-gpu-” on your computer.
  2. Make sure you have installed VS Visual Basic.Net 2012.
  3. Setting “. Net Framework Component” of the browse file “… \ bin \ Emgu.CV.UI.dll” according to where you extract the “libemgucv-windows-universal-gpu-”. Right Click “Components -> Choose Items.. -> Browse file … \ bin \ Emgu.CV.UI.dll -> Open -> Click OK” as shown below :
    Add .Net Framework Component Emgu.CV.UI.dll

    Add .Net Framework Component Emgu.CV.UI.dll

    to add “HistogramBox, ImageBox, MatrixBox and PanAndZoomPictureBox”.

  4. Copy all files *.dll from “.. \ bin \ x86” to “C: \ Windows \ System32” if you are using Windows 32-bit, “.. \ bin \ x64” for Windows 64-bit.
  5. Setting Project Properties part 1, Add Reference : “Right Click Project SURF->Click Add Reference… -> Browse Folder “..\Emgu\bin -> Choose .dll file -> Click Add Button”, as shown below :
    Select The Files To Reference..

    Select The Files To Reference..

    Then select All file .dll EmguCV -> Right Click -> Click Properties -> Set “Copy Local” become “True”, as shown below :

    Select All File .dll EmguCV Then Click Properties

    Select All File .dll EmguCV Then Click Properties

    Setting Project Properties part 2, Add Existing Items : “Right Click Project SURF->Click Add -> Click Existing Item… -> Browse Folder “..\Emgu\bin\x86″ -> Select All Files (*.*) -> Choose all file *.dll opencv -> Click Add Button”, as shown below :

    Add Existing Item All Files *.dll OpenCV

    Add Existing Item All Files *.dll OpenCV

    Then select All file .dll OpenCV -> Right Click -> Click Properties -> Set “Copy to Output Directory” become “Copy always”, as shown below :

    Select All File .dll OpenCV Then Click Properties

    Select All File .dll OpenCV Then Click Properties

  6. Download the all code from <Here :>. Note : “After Download it, To Extract File (, You must Rename Extension *.doc to *.zip” :). (We re-write the code from video above and with little modified, so it’s can be running on VS Visual Basic.Net 2012).
  7. To running, Right Click Project SURF -> Click Clean, Then Click Rebuild (Wait This Moment) -> Click Debug -> Click Start New Instance. Enjoy Use This Code. :)

This first preview interface code when running (Image Object Tracking) :

Demos 1. Tracking And Find Sub-Image Object On Large Image Scene

Demos 1. Tracking And Find Sub-Image Object On Large Image Scene

This second preview interface code when running (Video Object Tracking) :

Demos 5. Tracking And Find Sub-Image Object On Webcam Scene

Demos 2. Tracking And Find Sub-Image Object On Webcam Scene


Any Suggestions, Question and Other, Send to My Email :
(CMIIW & PMIIW). “Welcome to fasting Ramadhan to all my brother and sister”. :)

-Warm Regards-